this blog is a fever dream

Monday 30 September 2019

judgement - overripe banana

everything that's been drawn on ms paint's been drawn bc i didn't get to draw them traditionally for whatever reason lol

(let's face it, it'll probably taste different lol)

bonus :0


Wednesday 25 September 2019

small ollie dump

i've drawn her too many times already lol
i'm still baffled as to how she's overthrowing everyone else (tied with belle tho xD)

what a(n understandable) missed opportunity lol (the fake hand)

i kinda wanna properly share this
probably i will after i draw the hammer scene lol
looking at the colours here now, i can actually taste really diluted citrus juice ew ew ew xD

Tuesday 24 September 2019

movie time woo

grasshead takes all the cushions and blankets
the martian talks over the movie
curly fries man wants subtitles
devil horns wants to change the movie
and Gustav hogs all the popcorn
i feel like that's the sorta stuff that'd happen when nina's watching a movie

their bubble colours make me think of burgers lol

he'll always be a child tho, i can't imagine him any older than he's perceived to be xP

they're humans woaa!!!

also when drawing this i kinda came to a realisation, but it's only from the way they look/dress
(we exclude bud here tho xP sorry!!)

but 50x more chill

except a little wilder
plus a dose of sweetness

just more posh

also what if his name was gustav bc, ya know, gustatory system haha

that'd be so weird

(their chart is really like this tho from my interpretation lol)

they're wearing fancier clothes bc it's a date!!!

aight so belle's no longer singing that can you feel the love tonight song bc that's corny

it'll be lyrics from a song that at one point talks about
locking eyess and holding handss
(and cars too)


kitty b0yz + a pup and a ball
(it's a pretty old doodle but i think it's nice!)
(i know luke's so goddamn massive in everything i draw lol)

another old doodle (i drew nina with her short hair this time! :D)

sense of humour haha geddit

her hair/antennae kinda reminds me of them jester hats lol

woo she managed to get to the top!! tied with ollie tho???

so apparently she overthrew everyone in the first place? lmao do i really like drawing her that much?

i can't believe it my fav at age 5 is here lol

and tied with him, as well lol


she hasn't even sworn that much

but this post exists now lol

i'm actually kinda scared belle's gonna overthrow everyone else here when it comes to the amount of posts here lol

i mean ironically (and surprisingly,) luke's the brain cell with the least amount of posts so far lol

i gotta bombard this blog with some posts of him now to keep it even then xP

Monday 23 September 2019

"the ear the most arrogant"

hopefully you can read my writing xP
(also, vulgar language, baby!!! she might be the culprit [who taught bud to swear] lmao)

"...the ear the most arrogant;"
excuse me? "arrogant?!" i'll show you arrogant!!

the other day luke told me the shittiest joke i've ever heard!

q: why do we have ears?
a: so we can turn our heads and look.
shut up!!!

now you tell me who's arrogant!!!

BONUS: suck it belle you're arrogant!!
(i'll credit the source when i find it again!!)

props to hellen keeler and that guy's colleague for helping me prompt this comic lol

Sunday 22 September 2019

demonic purple blob

i think this one looks really stupid lol but it's here anyway xP

thumbnails for comics i wanna redraw digitally #2

based off this one stupid story i came up with in 2017 lol
and this was all doodled in pen so ee mistakes are really visible xP

"luke! cover me! she says she's looking to kidnap a princess!!!"
"mua-ha ha ha! i've got you now!!!"

"let me go this instant!!!"
"no lol"

[and thus, or duo of heroes were established lol]

this is really stupid lol

thumbnails for comics i wanna redraw digitally #1

here's another comic where he's shamelessly swearing again lol
but this one was actually sketched up quite a bit before the first one i uploaded here xP

and yes, it is true that he's been publicly ridiculed and been called a drunk lol

Saturday 21 September 2019


so...... blogger's gone weird and is lying to me that there actual people from the united states, of all places, finding this godforsaken blog lmao

like yeah this is a 100% public thing but like

how are there people finding this lol

not complaining, just really, really baffled xD

-your simple, little stupid illustrator ^_^!!

Friday 20 September 2019

stupid doodles i'm using for this "if i had to make the "tag urself braincell edition" thing again lol

meet ur trusty team of braincells




aight so i was playing some series 1 quietly in the background one day (bc ya know, nostalgia + i searching for voice samples to use in some weird 250bpm track i'm working on xP) and i remembered this really stupid but genuinely funny joke where bud was having mini crisis after finding out he had no eyebrows lol

(this is a bit old)

no idea how the writers & animators were feeling but i'm pretty sure they found some sorta enjoyment in this scene :0!!