this blog is a fever dream

how i remembered this lol

aight so i was dissecting an eye this one science lesson and a couple days later that creative part of my brain went,

"remember these little creatures?"

and immediately there was a red flag and did what i could to ignore whatever that creative part of my brain was telling me.
but no, it didn't stop.
my creativity carried on and went,

"hey, what if they dissected an eye together? that'd be interesting... in fact, they'd make an interesting group of personalities to work with altogether!"

and so, little by little, i began to agree and those characters began to somehow slowly overthrow my current creative obsessions at the time...

started off doodling my favourite as a kid.
that was alright, i enjoyed his character design,
i also promised he'd be the only one i'd draw

as expected, slowly, in came the rest
promised i'd only doodle them once
but that turned out not to be the case

so now i just tell myself
and i quote (because i wrote this down somewhere)
"yeah it's an educational show for young children but i can appreciate the fact that the character designs and their personalities are fun to work with xP
grew up with seasons 1-3 before i moved to australia in 2009 and i've turned to a characterisation freak so i'm not even surprised this happened lol"

that's it, really

(also i took the piss out of it back in 2017 and i hate myself for that bc the jokes i made were really bad lmao)
(i found the folder full of those private shitposts (i guess you could call them that) in my recycle bin and i'm glad i recovered it so i can look back on my mistakes lol)

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