this blog is a fever dream

Friday 15 November 2019

i'm now one word away from being on the same page as them without using quotations oh god

and all you gotta do is type the word "drawings" at the end of the title >:00

screw graduation, this is my greatest 2019 achievement

i don't know how to feel but it's definitely not pride xD

Thursday 14 November 2019

wha... #5

i can't believe it

this blog is growing

(all time views from peeps that aren't me lol)

seriously guys what is it i did to bring you here???!! xD

Saturday 9 November 2019

doodles from my goddamn final exam notes

i'm finally outta school >:D

what if i just changed this blog's title to this lmao

he's worried about my results. aw man...

Saturday 2 November 2019

knife lol

now before i begin

there is no reason i've come up with for this to happen
let a lone a reason for them to have knives at all

but i just really wanted to make this stupid comic lol

old(ish) unshared doodles #1

bud says NO SMOKING
i don't actually remember doodling this lmao

cat ollie says "fuck the world" and "anarchy baby" lmao
ollie cat thinks the universal sense hierarchy sucks
makes sense i guess since smell's right at the bottom of the five xD