this blog is a fever dream

Monday 23 December 2019

will i ever finish this?

sorry i gave nina alcohol,
it was based off this one tweet i saw about bud being useless so someone else commented about nina bringing some sorta drink to keep him busy or smth lmao

natn twitter has some pretty obscure stuff lol



Friday 15 November 2019

i'm now one word away from being on the same page as them without using quotations oh god

and all you gotta do is type the word "drawings" at the end of the title >:00

screw graduation, this is my greatest 2019 achievement

i don't know how to feel but it's definitely not pride xD

Thursday 14 November 2019

wha... #5

i can't believe it

this blog is growing

(all time views from peeps that aren't me lol)

seriously guys what is it i did to bring you here???!! xD

Saturday 9 November 2019

doodles from my goddamn final exam notes

i'm finally outta school >:D

what if i just changed this blog's title to this lmao

he's worried about my results. aw man...

Saturday 2 November 2019

knife lol

now before i begin

there is no reason i've come up with for this to happen
let a lone a reason for them to have knives at all

but i just really wanted to make this stupid comic lol

old(ish) unshared doodles #1

bud says NO SMOKING
i don't actually remember doodling this lmao

cat ollie says "fuck the world" and "anarchy baby" lmao
ollie cat thinks the universal sense hierarchy sucks
makes sense i guess since smell's right at the bottom of the five xD

Monday 28 October 2019

doodle dumps #4

oo a digital dump :D
the vulgar language's been censored bc i'm actually showing this on twitter and i wanna be decent about this :'0

Sunday 27 October 2019

nina and her kitties + a pup :D

i feel like i'll only ever draw nina with short hair when i draw her with her pets :0
ollie's loving the sudden attention lol

it's the sense hierarchy i guess :P

yeye i got it done :D
(honest to god this looks like a book cover)
maybe i'll upload this someday, along with some other doodles xP

(most to least happy with their place is the order of the sense hierarchy lmao)

a family doesn't have to be a mum, a dad, two kids, and a dog
actually it is
this cluster of  bastards are not a family
except ollie and bud since they're automatically siblings i guess
what the hell am i doing lol

if my household weren't asleep i would've made the most unholy sound


Thursday 24 October 2019

thumbnails for things #3

i just really like the idea of them all tryna fit in a window lol
i feel like it's a fun thing to do 100% unironically and not as a joke at all :D

if i ever get this concept done, i might actually upload it to my main art accounts :0!!

also i'd totally name it something along the lines of "the official sense hierarchy" if belle and ollie swapped spots here xD

Wednesday 23 October 2019

i felt pretty shit yesterday so i did this to try lighten up lol

i know 1000 words is like nothing but cmon it's still worth trying to get done

here's another one more faithful to the classic green alien holding up a peace sign xP

Tuesday 22 October 2019

doodle dumps #3

more from youtube thumbnails n whatnot :0
been well over a month since this blog started and i still think that their designs are unironically fun to translate into my art style xP

i like adding an extra dose of arrogance to the characters i draw

top right looks straight from hell i'm not gonna lie
we've also got patronising devil horns on the bottom left too lol

ollie looks genuinely pissed here lol this is why i wanna see series 2 again
one on the right looks like she's aged down years lmao

she looks like she wants to skedaddle into the grave lol
one on the right's looks like a "i know but i'm smarter than you" sorta thing i think

just her being herself, there's not much to say here :P
the little dance she does that i drew is admittedly cute tho i'll be honest

could look more shocked xP

(also yeahh the ones where she's unhappy are from that magic cloak short lol)

Friday 18 October 2019

Thursday 17 October 2019

doodle dumps #2

i always felt he was one the characters that i interpreted pretty weakly so i did some redraws from yt thumbnails again :0

also btw i don't hate him
i just feel this unnecessary spite whenever i draw him
u think ur proper hard dont u

i dunno what to say
it's just him being him

why is the top one like that
the bottom one looks disgusted


doodle dumps #1

still dunno why specifically this guy was my favourite at age 5
but he's still p cool

have felix, but this time he's 100% in character lol
(bc i referenced the video thumbnails from that christian langdale channel on yt :0)

the first one, he looks pompous
second one, i don't even know his expression here lol

he looks disappointed but in a more prickish way
second one........ eeeeeeeee


this is where he does that fish thing isn't it lol

this one's my personal favourite
he looks like he's witnessing his stuff getting vandalised

i guess i had to draw him genuinely happy again eventually :D

stupid know-it-all prick man

Monday 14 October 2019


if i only had the ability to travel back in time and ask 2017 me what the hell prompted this idea

that became this

oh my god google's got good identification, damnnn

i take that back
i just realised you could see my ruby spears ice man pfp up there :0!
so i guess now ya know i'm into the mega man series xP

aw man now i wanna 25 minute compilation of them doing whatever the hell they do in that blue void :((

series 2 is a such a goddamn cryptid like it's literally almost nonexistent here

like i learned a while back that it was the only series to ever have those like i dunno 1 minute clips of them neurons just screwing around

a popular example is that magic cloak video

Saturday 12 October 2019

i'm gonna bet this blog won't be as active during 2020's valentine's day so have these now

just a whole bunch of out of character valentine's cards lol

i know i should've used the fact that he winks to my advantage
(ya know what i'm gonna update it to that later lol)

Friday 11 October 2019

halloween month hehe

the kiddo's asleep so it's horror story time >:D

i better hope you can read my writing bc i ain't writing that down again lol
but it's that campfire horror story about finding a dripping sound, checking sinks, and a dog under the bed
that one haunted me for weeks at age 13 lmao

"well, thinking about this now, the protagonist isn't very clever, isn't she. she should've used her eyes first."
"then there'd be no build up. wh... what's the point of this?"