this blog is a fever dream

Tuesday 22 October 2019

doodle dumps #3

more from youtube thumbnails n whatnot :0
been well over a month since this blog started and i still think that their designs are unironically fun to translate into my art style xP

i like adding an extra dose of arrogance to the characters i draw

top right looks straight from hell i'm not gonna lie
we've also got patronising devil horns on the bottom left too lol

ollie looks genuinely pissed here lol this is why i wanna see series 2 again
one on the right looks like she's aged down years lmao

she looks like she wants to skedaddle into the grave lol
one on the right's looks like a "i know but i'm smarter than you" sorta thing i think

just her being herself, there's not much to say here :P
the little dance she does that i drew is admittedly cute tho i'll be honest

could look more shocked xP

(also yeahh the ones where she's unhappy are from that magic cloak short lol)

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